Financial Aid
Begin with the basics - click here to watch a video tutorial on how to make the most of what your My ASU Finances tab has to offer.
Some financial aid documents require parental signatures and review, necessitating a guest account. Watch a video on granting Guest Access in My ASU here.
Need to adjust or cancel your loans/awards? A tutorial on how to edit your aid, even post-disbursement, can be found here.
Sudden changes to your awards can be concerning if you're unable to discern a clear cause. Head here to learn why your aid may have undergone changes, and what that means for you as the recipient.
Learn how to keep abreast of the latest updates to your loans, grants, and scholarships here.
When considering how much of your loans to accept, it is important to consider the "Fall/Spring split." Many students do not realize at first why their aid appears halved, and find themselves needing to adjust their loans to accommodate the split. Watch a brief video here discussing how loans are disbursed between semesters, and find out how to determine the correct amount needed for your tuition.
The convenience of accepting loans through your student portal makes it quick and simple to square away financial aid. Visit our guide here to learn how to accept your rewards through My ASU.
Whether you're adding a required course or dropping an unnecessary elective, you may notice your charges increase or decrease accordingly. Click here to learn more about changing loan amounts, and how to ensure you're covered for the semester.
Adding an "Authorized Payer" to your account allows individuals besides yourself to make tuition payments on My ASU. This video will guide you through the process of adding an Authorized Payer, and how to update or revoke those permissions if necessary.
Making a payment has never been easier. Learn how to pay your charges quickly and conveniently via your My ASU portal here.
The Department of Education may request an Income Verification Form in order to review and gain clarity on your tax information. Though this is a very routine procedure, it can be disorienting to navigate the Income Verification process for the first time. For a handy step-by-step video on how to complete this form, head here.
Sometimes, Financial Aid and Scholarship Services will request parental verification tasks from you if necessary to the completion of your financial aid file. This video outlines the steps your parents will need to take in order to successfully complete any verification tasks that appear on your My ASU portal.
Note: Guest Access will need to be provided to your parent(s) in order to complete the steps outlined in any Parent Income Verification tasks.
Additional resources and helpful links: