1. Review our 1.0 charter for Enterprise Technology's Responsible Innovation at ASU. A growing Community of Practice composed, reflected and revised an initial framework grounded in the academic body and best practices of Responsible Innovation.

Responsible Innovation
Responsible Innovation starts with you.
We're seeking examples to build upon our growing exploration and adoption of the Responsible Innovation (RI) framework within our technology, cultural, and thought leadership efforts within Enterprise Technology.
Enterprise Technology has embarked on this strategic priority to help advance and realize the importance of RI across ASU as reflected within President Crow's newly proposed National Service University model, built upon his prior New American University model.
While RI has been defined in a number of ways over the last ten years, it's ultimately about having a consistent open, transparent and accountable approach to the impact and public value of technology work-- continually developing, reflecting, and responding to meet community needs. Innovation isn't just about developing shiny objects -- it's about impactful outcomes that help make the world a better place than before. One responsible innovation at a time.
2. Join the ASU Responsible Innovation Guild. Be a part of an expanding Community of Practice supporting the common efforts of implementing the Responsible Innovation framework within their work. Join our monthly gatherings and Slack channel #uto-responsible-innovation-guild.
3. Submit examples of Responsible Innovation that you are participating in (or aware of) at ASU. Let our RI framework inspire you as you identify inspiring examples of Responsible Innovation at ASU, even if it's a project, service or process in its early stages.