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Organizational Change Management

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Contact Us

Danielle B. Steele (OCM Coach)

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Who Are We?

Organizational Change Management (OCM) prepares people for change. We work with practitioners, people leaders, and project leaders who deliver change. We deliver people-oriented activities and results for large-scale, high-impact technological initiatives to develop and sustain an OCM mindset and capabilities at ASU. We help you reach your defined objectives by partnering with you to:

  • Clarify why the change
  • Identify who is impacted
  • Gain commitment for change

Our introduction video is available in Career EDGE to all ASU affiliates. OCM coach Danielle B. Steele provides a hands-on scenario of OCM being applied in the real world.

Who Do We Serve?

We serve customers on enterprise, team, and individual levels to meet a huge variety of goals. Some examples include:

  • Enterprise: Seeking to prepare customers for a new or significantly updated system, program, or service?
  • Team: Seeking to share OCM best practices with your team? Team roles and responsibilities changing?
  • Individual: Seeking to gain OCM knowledge and skills? Seeking ways to foster change?