Supplier Submitted RFP Questions


  1. When a supplier sends in a question during an RFP who is responsible for answering it? The committee chair is responsible for answering the proposer's questions received during the RFP. It is the chair's responsibility to distribute questions and get the answers completed. If a question is Procurement related, the Buyer may choose to answer the question themselves, instead of waiting for the delegation process. Please use the supplier questions template to keep questions organized. 

  2. When should the project team answer supplier questions? Questions should be answered within 24 hours. Please note the buyer may choose to review the answers with a Procurement Manager before answers are posted back to the bid board.

  3. How are answers posted back to the supplier? If a manual RFP process (not electronic, through Jaggaer) the Buyer will create an addendum of answers and will post that addendum back to the bid board for all suppliers to see. If the Buyer is using Jaggaer, the answers are posted directly on to the question board in the system. All suppliers are able to see the questions and answers posted. 

  4. How long do suppliers have to send in questions? The deadline for accepting supplier questions should be set at 2 weeks prior to the close of the RFP. Keep in mind that supplier questions must be answered within 10 days of the close of the RFP. This gives the team plenty of time (4 days) to post the responses back to the suppliers.

  5. How long does the team have to respond to questions? The last respondent's question needs to be answered 10 days before the close of the RFP, otherwise, an extension must be provided.