Technology Change Freeze

Technology Change Freeze

Technology Change Freezes

Whether it be dorm move-ins, finals week, or the momentous occasion of convocation—the start and end of each semester means increased traffic and use of IT ASU Technology. 

Historically, an enterprise-wide technology change freeze has been implemented during these periods to avoid significant disruption and alleviate system stress. As part of this effort, technologists postpone maintenance of business requests across ASU.

Requests for production changes will be delayed until the freeze has been completed. Please be aware that exceptions to the freeze will require additional manager review and my final approval. 

Services not impacted by the freeze include:

  • Work that will be taking place in vacant and/or unoccupied buildings
  • Infrastructure used in the support of cloud-based systems and other critical university systems.
  • Activities in support of students moving back into the residence halls.
  • Content-only pushes to production for websites. 

Please note that an emergency change request must still be submitted and approved for tracking purposes. If you need to submit a request for change under one of the above exemptions, please reference one of the exemptions above in the change ticket description field.

Exceptions require an emergency change request to be submitted to and approved by Enterprise Technology's Executive Director of Operations and the Emergency Change Advisory Board.


Learn more

We invite you to watch the short educational video below to learn more about Technology Change Freezes.