Updates to ASU Voicemail services

Beginning Sept. 19, the ASU NextGen Network team is excited to announce a change to the ASU voicemail system. This new voicemail system will provide greater access to voicemail messages when using the ASU One Number service, as well as maintaining the current voicemail features that are enjoyed by all voicemail community members today.
As a reminder, the ASU One Number service is available through an application that can be installed on your laptop or smartphone device. This is the standard voice communications tool at ASU. In response to the Global pandemic, this voice tool was implemented in March 2020 to help ASU customers utilize ASU voice services while working remotely from anywhere in the world. This tool allows all ASU voice communication users to have the same experience no matter where they are currently located.
With this new voicemail system, it will be easier to access voicemail messages using a voicemail icon within ASU One Number tool. If you prefer to access your voicemail messages as you do today through email, this and other access methods will still be available to you. This new system allows you to accomplish the following:
- Ease of access to voicemail messages using ASU One Number app.
- Listen, forward and respond to voicemail messages from the ASU One Number app.
- Current features and options will remain available (voicemail to email forwarding, remote retrieval by dial-in, desk-phone and voicemail retrieval options)
Important next steps:
- Please set up your new voice mailbox after Sept. 19. For instructions on how to complete this, please review our knowledge article.
- Review any saved messages. They will be deleted from the current voicemail system on Nov. 27, 2020. Please ensure you have a physical copy if necessary.
- Once you have ASU One Number downloaded, please note, your physical phone devices will be removed from the ASU Telephony Network within the next year.
If you haven’t signed up for the ASU One Number app yet and are interested, please review our knowledge article, and submit a request to the NextGen Network team. Then, log into the new voicemail system utilizing pilot number 602-496-2000 to begin setting up your new voicemail box.
Have questions? Please review our FAQ knowledge article or contact the Experience Center at 1-855-278-5080.