ASU UTO Enterprise Technology - Humble Heroes


by Laura GeringerUTO Humble Heroes: Tom Castellano, Richard Chappell, Donelle Culley, Carolee Deuel, Stephen Garcia, Alyssa Goldstein, Fred Hernandez, Michelle Hernandez, Rebecca Hirschfeld, Martin Idaszak, Robert Kamilli, Ahmed Khalil, David Lee,…
Success coach helps a student
By Andrew SchneiderUTO Humble Heroes: Paul Alvarado & Mike Sharkey of the Action Lab at EdPlus
Photo of a grocery story produce department
UTO Humble Heroes: Brett Woods + the Information Security Team, Alyssa Goldstein, Robert Kamilli, Kevin Lough, Sean Reichert and TJ Witucky
Someone's feet next to their laptop and phone on a bed or couch.
UTO Humble Heroes: Debbie Liu, Dawn Scott, Justin Sánchez, Frank Montoya, David Whitaker, Crystal Gustavson Miller and Raquel GarciaThe UTO Enterprise Salesforce Solutions team regularly works with departments across ASU to support student success…