OS Upgrades for Fall 2018
The University Technology Office is preparing to upgrade university classrooms and public computing sites to macOS High Sierra and the latest version of Windows 10 in the Fall of 2018! Testbed environments of the new image are currently available on all ASU campuses to allow the ASU community to test drive and provide important feedback to our software team.
These new operating systems are available for use on select machines in the following spaces:
Tempe: Computing Commons (CPCOM) Atrium
Downtown Phoenix: University Center (UCENT) Information Commons
Polytechnic: Technology Center (TECH) 110 and 165
West: Fletcher Library (FLHLB) Atrium
Havasu: Learning Resource Center (HALRC) D103
You are invited to drop by and give the new images a try before the start of the Fall 2018 semester and provide feedback and comments on the upgrade.