Project Management Workshop

The PPMO will be hosting a Project Management workshop aimed at helping individuals apply knowledge, skills, tools and techniques to help make projects successful. We are happy to announce as a PMI Registered Education Provider, the PPMO is able to provide participants with 6 PDUs (professional development units).


Upon completion of this workshop participants will be able to:


      • Identify essential team members
      • Utilize a project team structure that enhances sponsorship engagement
      • Create a project business objective statement
      • Evaluate and communicate project constraints
      • Define project deliverables
      • Create a work breakdown structure
      • Construct project work estimates
      • Determine project resourcing plans
      • Manage changes, risks or issues
      • Identify necessary outputs for a successful project closure


This is a fun way to collaborate with your peers and learn about project management. If you would like to attend, please respond to this email and a meeting invite will be sent.

Please email: for registration.