Service Center
Visit the My ASU service center for immediate support, our knowledge base, or to submit a request for service.
1-855-278-5080 or +1-480-965-6500
The ASU Experience Center is open 24/7 and 365 days a year to help you!
The Experience Center is the front door for all ASU services and provides the highest level of service and support to our ASU family and beyond. Whether you need technical support, ID services, financial aid answers or other assistance, the Experience Center is here to help.
Visit the My ASU service center for immediate support, our knowledge base, or to submit a request for service.
1-855-278-5080 or +1-480-965-6500
If you've forgotten your ASURITE password, it can be reset by visiting the ASU Lost/Forgotten Password Recovery service...
ASU's Parking and Transit Services provides parking and transportation support to Sun Devils and visiting guests across all four campuses...
Parent Guest Access is an online tool that allows students to share FERPA-protected information with parents and guests...
First time freshman on-campus students, you will make your card choice and receive your ID cards at New Student Orientation...
Office 365 is the latest version of Microsoft's productivity suite, and includes Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, OneNote and more...
Configure the new O365 for various devices as well as a video depicting how to set up email forwarding in O365...
The section below shows a list of our services. Please expand to learn more about our offerings.
ASU Directory Information and Telephone Numbers
ASU Web Standards and Web Site Accessibility
Community Members
Sun Devil Family Members
Interactive ASU Campus Map
All transportation service questions
Parking and Permits
ASU Finances
Financial Aid & Scholarships (FASS)
College Achievement Program
Uber Scholarship
Student Business Services (Accounts)
Incoming Students
Undergraduate Students
Graduate Students
ASU Online
International Students
Non-Degree Seeking Students
Continuing Education Students
Global Launch
For all campuses
For all buildings, including Residential Life buildings
Life Buildings
ISAAC Door Access
Emergency Outages
ASU Directory Information and Telephone Numbers
ASU Web Standards and Web Site Accessibility
Community Members
Sun Devil Family Members
Interactive ASU Campus Map
All transportation service questions
Parking and Permits
Computer Accounts and Courtesy Affiliates
Classroom Support
Conference Bridges and Phone Support
Student and Employee Email
Duo Support
Password Resets
Information Security
My Reports
Pharos Print Anywhere
System Health/Outages
Tech Studio
Workday/FMS Support