UTO Assists IT Needs of New Biodesign Institute Building
The newly constructed Biodesign Institute Building C will bring additional classroom, office, and research space for the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering, and the Biodesign Institute on the ASU Tempe campus. UTO assisted with the design, budgeting, and implementation of the IT and A/V systems for the 188,000 gross square foot, multi-story building, and there are a few, fun facts and figures to share about the project.
About 460,000 feet of copper twisted pair and 12,000 feet of fiber run throughout the facility.
About 100 Cisco access points offer interior and outdoor network connectivity.
About 1,600 hard-wired Ethernet connections support the facility.
About 200 Avaya Voice over Internet Protocol phones, which allow for voice and multimedia sessions over the internet, were installed.
Learn more about the Biodesign Institute project here. And make sure to follow UTO on Twitter @ASU_UTO.