UTO Raises Money for United Way
From October 8 to October 26, UTO participated in a charitable competition to see what teams could raise the most money for the non-profit organization United Way. United Way supports numerous programs to improve health, educational, and financial stability in numerous communities across the country, and the penny wars fundraising at UTO pulled together $583 to that end. That’s support for food banks that can allow them to purchase more than 3,498 meals!
Playing on a popular superhero theme, four teams placed pennies and bills into their own jar to gain points while putting nickels, dimes, and quarters into others’ to subtract points from their totals. The winning team pulled ahead with a whopping 20,065 points, surging ahead on the final day along with great turn out from the three other teams as well.
The friendly competition for the good of others is just another example of UTO and ASU’s commitment not only to its own students, faculty, and staff, but also the community at large. To learn more about the ASU-wide 2018 United Way campaign, visit here; as of now, $413,290 of the $800,000 goal has been achieved. Make sure to follow UTO on Twitter @ASU_UTO.