UTO Representation at October's Organizational Excellence Community of Practice
Last week, UTO’s Chief Culture Officer, Christine Whitney Sanchez, and Organizational Change Management Practitioner, Danielle B. Steele, presented to more than 200 audience members in the room and another 90 participants on Zoom at October’s Organizational Excellence Community of Practice. At the event, hosted by ASU’s Organizational Performance Office and Clayton Taylor, Whitney Sanchez spoke about the relationship between culture and innovation and introduced the Strategic Collaboration Framework™, a strength-based change methodology. Steele spoke to the pace of change.
Whitney Sanchez’s interactive presentation focused on UTO’s culture work and how strategic collaboration helps people work together for a higher purpose. Using the first two practices of the Strategic Collaboration Framework™, Whitney Sanchez engaged the participants in Radical Appreciation Interviews and a Disruptive Inquiry using the World Cafe method. Community members were engaged and delighted to discuss a time when they contributed to or witnessed the ASU Charter coming to life and to suggest best practices for uplifting the ASU Charter.
Best Practices for Bringing the ASU Charter to Life
Steele’s talk focused on an agnostic approach to integrating change activities. This approach is “pivotal to adapting to the pace of change is essential” for places such as ours at ASU, Steele said. She noted that with the amount of students who have access to education in today's world and particularly at ASU, we have a choice in how we respond to these changes. “ASU recognizes the need to address the rapid rate of knowledge creation by adapting, by offering infinitely scalable teaching and seamless integration of individualized learning,” she said echoing Dr. Crow's vision for the New American University, “In short, by offering lifelong learning.”
To take an in-depth look at these presentations, please visit OEP.