
Enterprise Technology's Leadership Principles

Enterprise Technology's Leadership Principles are developed and refined by the Enterprise Technology community.

As leaders in Enterprise Technology, we are aligned to our organization's Positive Core values, which will continue to guide where we are and where we want to go. View our Leadership Principles PDF here to learn more about how Enterprise Technology embodies our principles in our actions, fulfilling our mission to advance the dynamic digital ecosystem.

Positive core

Agile First

Our agile mindset reminds us to be nimble, embrace mistakes, learn quickly, and be open to feedback. We do this by:

  • Learning quickly from + embracing failure
  • Being open to feedback
  • Interacting with customers
  • Iterating + making incremental improvements
  • Being willing to experiment
  • Being inclusive
  • Shattering the status quo

Resourceful & Transformative

We are transparent and responsible stewards of the university's technology investments in advancing the ASU Charter. We do this by:

  • Always providing full costs + cost estimates
  • Practicing intentional frugality
  • Sharing resources
  • Sunsetting low value services
  • Finding opportunities to simplify

Talent Alignment

We attract, align and support the professional growth of talented people who support the evolution of Enterprise Technology. We do this by:

  • Building our technical prowess
  • Keeping up with technology & societal trends to address skill “shortages”
  • Embedding professional development
  • Finding & leveraging emerging talent, regardless of existing role

Trust in our teams

We trust Enterprise Technology's rapidly reconfigurable teams to lead from where they are and to meet the needs of both the moment and the future. We do this by:

  • Collaborating and forming consensus around acceptable risk
  • Encouraging agency + autonomy
  • Identifying new projects for people to shine
  • Mentoring + guiding
  • Being honest when ‘no’ or ‘not now’ is the right answer

Authentic Partnerships

We actively engage partners to design and embrace opportunities for the ASU community and beyond. We do this by:

  • Catalyzing outreach efforts
  • Being responsive and valuing people’s time
  • Sharing our knowledge transparently
  • Breaking down silos
  • Including customers/stakeholders in strategy & decision-making

Curiosity & Creativity

Our entrepreneurial mindset ignites a spirit of curiosity, creativity and collaboration to generate and activate innovation. We do this by:

  • Generating and activating the next big ideas
  • Listening and being open
  • Embracing an entrepreneurial mindset
  • Scheduling time to expand our knowledge
  • Demonstrating a willingness to change

Culture of Collaboration

We celebrate our intentional culture work that supports our generative approach to strategic collaboration. We do this by:

  • Building upon our Positive Core foundation, together
  • Celebrating our accomplishments
  • Nurturing cross-functional teams
  • Taking shared ownership of Enterprise Technology culture

Abundance Within Diversity

We are committed to building, embracing and achieving the full potential of a diverse Enterprise Technology community. We do this by:

  • Listening to many voices and viewpoints from different backgrounds
  • Working with our existing talent to cultivate diversity


The Stretch Assignment is a program designed to reflect the Enterprise Technology Core Values.  Stretch offers qualified staff an opportunity to gain on-the-job experience in specific fields of interest in a low-pressure environment to learn, create, explore, and transform.  

Oftentimes, we have staff that is looking to further their career but not necessarily within the unit in which they are currently employed. The Stretch Assignment can be an excellent solution for helping our existing employees:

  • Obtain new skills
  • Develop talent
  • Leverage existing talents in new ways.

Both employees and managers gain fresh perspectives from each other where they may have less familiarity.  The Stretch Assignment helps talented employees broaden their exposure and expand their networks across different business groups while meeting the emerging needs of the university as a whole. This initiative supports the ability to address short term resource limitations across the business, and serves as a direct connection to Enterprise Technology and university-wide initiatives, assignments, and career aligned training.