Participating in remote iClicker sessions requires an account (free for students) and a response device. Please follow the "Registration" and "Responding to Questions" instructions here.
Zoom meetings now boost collaboration, connection and creativity through the power of artificial intelligence (AI). ASU community members can now opt-in to utilize select features of Zoom's new generative AI assistant, AI Companion.
Zoom is a convenient audio and video conferencing platform for class, group work and discussions -- and beyond. Additional student training can be found here.
At Empower 2021, we will focus on this convening question: |
Appreciative Inquiry is a way of being and seeing. It is both a worldview and a process for facilitating positive change in human systems like organizations, groups, and communities. Its assumption is simple: every human system has something that works correctly, things that give it life when it is vital, effective and successful. AI begins by identifying this positive core and connecting to it in ways that heighten energy, sharpen vision and inspire action for change. As Innovation Partners International consultant Bernard J.
April 20-24, 2020 | With brief sessions happening each day from 9AM- 10:30AM
Digital Immersion Experience on Zoom