<The UTO Source> – December 2019 Edition
With our second edition of <The UTO Source>,
CenturyLink Conferencing Transition to Zoom - Dec. 31, 2019
CenturyLink Audio Conferencing Service, GlobalMeet, is being phased out of use as of Dec. 31, 2019. All users will need to transition to Zoom, ASU’s university-wide conferencing tool. Zoom provides audio and video conferencing, as well as…
Third Annual ASU Data Conference Unites University Data Users around Enabling Student Success
“Data” is an intimidating word for some people. It’s often associated with a notion of complex processes -- and technologies. But this week, the Third Annual ASU Data Conference brought staff from across the University together to learn more about…
Smart Region Summit Flagship Event Concludes Week of Plans to Connect Campuses, Cities and Beyond
Imagine navigating campus using a 3D map, or learning using virtual and augmented reality in the classrooms of the future. Imagine decongested traffic, and aid being brought to the distressed homeless population of Phoenix. These are all…
Spring 2020 Software Requests
UTO is planning for Spring classes! If you use specific software to teach your classes, it may not be installed in your classroom unless you request it. Please request all the software you need so we can ensure you have what you need on the first…
Cox and Arizona State University to Launch Connected Environments Collaboratory, Create Smarter Region
The ‘Cox Connected Environments Collaboratory at ASU’ will provide incubation space and innovative tools to cultivate a smart region ecosystem Cox also named as a founding partner of the Greater Phoenix Smart Region ConsortiumPHOENIX – November…